Gretchen Bleiler

Why we are here...

So yesterday I had one of those days that remind you why you are here...A day by myself, on the hill under a bluebird sky. It was warmer than it had been and the faces were soaking up the sun. Smiles all around :)


I love days like this because I make it a point to interact with people on the chairlifts. You never know who you are sitting next to. Yesterday I was riding with a family that was from the Netherlands, but now living in Chicago...They were speaking Dutch but when they spoke English, the kids had a thick Chicago accent. Ha... It was their first time in Snowmass, They usually just take the train to the Swiss Alps...Yeah Life.

So sipping my morning coffee, today, I came across this article. It is worth a read. It shows how special this place is. How inspiring it can be, if you just put one foot in front of the other.

Now all of these people are in the elite athlete category, that is certainly not all of us. But each of them talk about when they were starting their journey and who they met, that inspired them.

We live in a special place, so get out there...mix it up with other people. You never know who might be on that chair lift with you.


Thank you @ericarobbie for the great article, that provided me with a little early morning inspiration :)

Experts among us: The elite athletes of the Roaring Fork Valley